AONSA Prize 2023 is awarded to Professor Yasuhiko Fujii

For his outstanding achievements in the structural and dynamical study of phase transitions of condensed matter by neutron scattering, promotion of the neutron science in Japan as well as the national user program for neutron scattering facilities, and dedicated contributions for the promotion of neutron science in the Asia- Oceania region.”

Click to read the full announcement.

Click to open the AONSA Prize page.

AONSA Newsletter December 2022 released!

The AONSA newsletter has the latest news from around the region, with updates from facilities and user groups. The December 2022 edition is now available for download here:

It includes the announcement of the AONSA Prize 2023 and research highlights from the community.

The cover photo of the December 2022 edition is the snapshots from the 29th EC meeting held in in hybrid format from the National Battery Research Institute in Indonesia on November 22nd, 2022. It was was the first on-venue meeting in three years since the 23rd EC meeting in Kenting.

AONSA Prize 2021 is awarded to Professor Robert A. Robinson

“For his outstanding achievements in understanding magnetism of actinide and heavy-fermion materials using neutron scattering, seminal contributions in building the world-leading neutron facility in Australia, and continuous dedication for the promotion of neutron science in the Asia-Oceania region.”

Click to read the full announcement.

Click to open the AONSA Prize page.

AONSA Newsletter February 2021 released!

The AONSA newsletter has the latest news from around the region, with updates from facilities and user groups. The February 2021 edition is now available for download here:

AONSA Newsletter February 2021 Volume 12

It includes research highlights from the community, and announcement of the AONSA prize and Young Research Fellowship.

In the February 2021 edition, one of the highlights pictured in the Figure for this post, discusses the effect of long-term neutron irradiation on graphite, with work performed at the National Facility for Neutron Research, and is published in Phys Rev B, 102, 064103 (2020).

AONSA Young Research Fellowship 2021 awardees are selected

Dr. Teng Lu (The Australian National University)1, Dr. Indri Badria Adilina (Indonesian Institute of Science)2, and Dr. Rezwanul Haque (University of the Sunshine Coast)3 are selected for the AONSA Young Research Fellowship 2021.

Hosting facility / Title of research proposal
1: J-PARC / “The order-disorder feature and lattice dynamics in silver niobate-based materials”
2: ANSTO / “Neutron scattering studies of the nanoparticle-protein interaction on modified geothermal silica”
3: CSNS / “Exploring the mechanical properties of Pb-free SAC-305 solder with Bi additions”

Click to read the full announcement.

Click to open the AONSA Young Research Fellowship page.

ICNS 2017

The ICNS 2017 will take place in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, at the Daejeon Convention Center from July 9 to 13, 2017.

*Click here for the information

The International Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS 2017 will be the largest international platform for sharing and exchanging the latest exciting advances in neutron scattering science, which will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines including physics, biology, chemistry, materials science, engineering materials, earth science, neutron sources and instrumentations.

The Organizing Committee will do its best to make your attendance of the ICNS 2017 enjoyable and memorable as well as scientifically fruitful.
We look forward to welcoming you in Daejeon, Korea in 2017.

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