Articles, By-laws, Rules, and Guidelines of Association

Articles (Revised on May 22, 2010)

Article 1: Status

The Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association (hereafter referred to as the Association) is an affiliation of neutron scattering societies, which directly represent users in the Asia-Oceania Region. The overriding purposes of the Association are to provide a platform for discussion and a focus for action in neutron scattering and related topics in the Asia-Oceania Region.

Article 2: Aims

  1. To identify the needs of the neutron scattering community in Asia and Oceania.
  2. To promote optimised use of present neutron sources in the region.
  3. To stimulate and promote neutron scattering activities and training in the Region, and in particular to support the opportunities for young scientists.
  4. To support long-term planning of future neutron sources.
  5. To assist with the co-ordination of the development and construction of instruments for neutron scattering.
  6. To promote channels of communication with industry.
  7. To disseminate to the wider community information which demonstrates the powerful capabilities of neutron scattering techniques and other neutron methods.
  8. To assist, if appropriate, affiliated bodies in the pursuit of their own goals.
  9. To facilitate cooperation and networking amongst the neutron sources in the region.

Article 3: Affiliation

Affiliation to the Association is open to bodies representing neutron scattering users in Asia or Oceania. The present affiliation is listed in Annex.1. Further affiliations shall be approved by the Association Executive Committee.

Article 4: The Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association Executive Committee

4.1 Delegates

Each paying Regular Member (affiliated society) will nominate two delegates to the Association Executive Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee). A substitute delegate will be allowed. The individual delegation is recommended to be 2 years and is renewable.

4.2 Observers

  • Invited observers to the Committee will include representatives nominated by:
  • The major neutron scattering facilities in the Region
  • Projects for new neutron sources in the Region
  • Other non-paying neutron scattering societies
  • Further individual observers may be co-opted according to the needs of the Association.

Article 5: Organisation of the Committee

5.1 Board

The Committee will nominate a Board which will represent the association between formal meetings. It will comprise the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Public Relations Officer and Members-at-Large. The holder of each of these positions will be elected by the committee from amongst the current registered delegates. The normal term of office will be 2 years. The President then becomes an ex-officio member of the Committee. In normal circumstances, the Vice-President will succeed to the Presidency after 2 years. The immediate Past-President and Past-Secretary should be advisors to the Board for one year. The immediate Past-President is an ex-officio member of the Committee for this period. The immediate Past-Secretary is an ex-officio member of the Committee without voting power for this period.


Board members act in an exclusively honorary capacity.


The Committee will meet at least once per year, if possible associated with a member user meeting. Meetings will be called by the President.


On the demand of at least one quarter of the committee members, the President will arrange a meeting within two months of that request.


Decisions other than modifications to the articles (Article 7) and new memberships which will require the approval of more than one half of all registered delegates at formal meetings of the Committee, will be made by a simple majority of delegates present.

Article 6: Financial Matters


Regular Members will pay an annual fee to the Association, at a rate determined by the Committee.


The Association is pursuing no commercial purposes and not aiming for financial earnings.


The Committee may provide funds for any action appropriate to fulfill its aims according to Article 2 (sponsoring of research prizes, travel support, membership in other scientific institutions, support of studies and surveys). Payments of salaries for board members are excluded.


The costs associated with a delegate participating in a meeting of the committee shall ordinarily be found by the delegate or his/her nominating body.


For obligations of the Association, the liability spans the Association’s assets only. There exists no private liability of its delegates or affiliates for a financing of any financial debt of the Association.

Article 7: Modifications to the Articles

Any modification to the Articles of Association shall require the approval of more than one half of all registered delegates at formal meetings of the committee. One month’s notification in advance of any proposed modification is required.

Annexe 1 – Member Societies

Regular Members:

  • The Australian Neutron Beam Users Group (ANBUG)
  • The Chinese Neutron Scattering Society (CNSS)
  • The Japanese Society for Neutron Science (JSNS)
  • The Korean Neutron Beam Users Association (KNBUA)
  • Neutron Scattering Society of India (NSSI)
  • Taiwan Neutron Science Society (TWNSS)

Observers (Other Affiliates):

  • Indonesian Neutron Scattering Society (INSS)
  • The Russian Neutron Scattering Society (ROSNEUTRO)

Observers (Facilities):

  • J-PARC spallation source
  • JRR-3M reactor
  • OPAL reactor
  • HANARO reactor
  • Dhruva reactor
  • CARR reactor
  • CSNS spallation source
  • Mianyang reactor
  • BATAN reactor
  • etc.

First Term

The first term will run until 31st December 2009, and then the terms will run in 2-year cycles thereafter

Duty Statements of the AONSA Board Members:

(Approved by the 8th AONSA EC)

1. Duties of the President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board. The President shall make public statements on behalf of the Executive Committee and shall represent the Association externally. The President shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Board may assign. The President shall deliver an address at the AONSA Web site and the Newsletter in the year of presidential service.

2. Duties of the Vice President

The Vice President shall act in place of the President if the latter is unable to perform his or her duties. The Vice President shall chair the Selection Committee for the AONSA Prize and shall be responsible for related business of the Prize. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Board may assign.

3. Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary shall serve as the principal administrator of the Association. The Secretary shall maintain the records of the Association, including minutes of the Executive Committee and the Board meetings, Association activities and membership lists. The Secretary shall be responsible for the arrangement of the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board and shall oversee the arrangements of meetings pertinent to business of the Association. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Board may assign.

4. Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the conduct of the financial affairs of the Association and shall oversee the financial affairs of the business of the Association. The Treasurer shall provide regular reports to the Executive Committee and the Board on the financial status of the Association. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Board may assign.

5. Duties of the Public Relations Officer

The Public Relations Officer shall have editorial and operational responsibility for the AONSA Web and Newsletter. The Public Relations Officer shall implement business relating to outreach activities of the Association. The Public Relations Officer shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Board may assign.

6. Duties of the Past-President and the Past-Secretary

The Past-President and the Past-Secretary shall advice the Board for the first one year immediately after their retirement. The Past-President and the Past-Secretary shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Board may assign.

7. Duties of the Members-at-Large

The Members-at-Large shall participate in Board discussions and shall perform such duties as the Executive Committee or Board may assign.


Nomination and Appointment of Executive Committee Members

(Established on May 22, 2010; Revised on May 19, 2011)

1. EC Members

a. The Board on behalf of the EC requests nominations from the AONSA Member Societies by the 2nd EC meeting in the 2nd year of any Presidency and informs the EC.

b. The EC is then formed for the next Presidency from those presented formally by current “paying regular member” society Presidents. Normally only members of the Nominating Society can be nominees.

c. Secretary collects all the nominations and presents to the Board. President announces the new Executive at the beginning of new Presidency.

2. EC Observers

Once one observer from each major neutron facility (which was listed as one of the major neutron facilities in a previous term) is recommended, he/she will be honored automatically unless there is any clear conflict.

3. Nominations

All nomination including observers should be made by each member association each two year at the 2nd EC meeting of the 2nd year of the term. For regions without associations, the EC can formally nominate and decide.

The observers from neutron facilities or major projects should be the facility director or his/her nominee. These neutron facilities or major projects should be open to users in the Asia-Oceania Region.

4. Substitute of EC members during their term

In the case of new presidency of member Association, the current EC member (the previous President of the member Association) can request the EC to nominate the new President of member Association to participate the EC on the behalf of him/her. The nominee will have full responsibility and rights of EC member.

5. Agreement:

Observer status is one way in which AONSA can welcome new associations. The EC encourages movement from observer status of Societies to full membership to keep a balance of EC membership.


Annual Membership Fee

(Established on May 19, 2011)

The AONSA annual membership fee is in the unit of USD1,000, with the minumum fee as two units. The use of units more than two can be specified by paying association or AONSA (if it is not specified by the donor).


(Established on October 5, 2010)

The Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association (AONSA) awards the AONSA Prize every two years to a person or persons to recognize his/her or their outstanding research career with a significant impact or contribution to the use or development of neutron science and technology in the Asia-Oceania Region.

1. Rules

a. The Prize shall ordinarily be awarded to one person but may be shared by no more than three persons when all the recipients have contributions to the same accomplishment. Recipient(s) should receive the AONSA Prize only once.

b. The Prize consists of a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient(s) and a monetary prize. The amount shall be decided by the AONSA Executive Committee (hereafter referred to as the EC). Where the award is shared, the prize money shall be equally divided amongst recipients.

2. Nomination and Eligibility

a. Nomination shall be opened to anyone whose work has significantly impacted or contributed to the Asia-Oceania Region.

b. Anyone (not a member of the AONSA Prize Selection Committee (hereafter referred to as the SC)) may submit one nomination or seconding letter for the Prize.

c. A nomination should include:

  • A letter of not more than 5,000 characters evaluating the nominee’s qualification for the Prize and identifying the specific work to be recognized.
  • A brief curriculum vitae
  • A short list of major publications
  • Up to five reprints/preprints
  • At least two, but not more than four seconding letters

d. Nomination should be electronically submitted to Chair of the SC by the deadline issued by the SC.

e. Nomination shall be active through two review cycles (4 years). Nominations may be updated while still active.

3. Selection Committee

a. The SC shall consist of six members. The Chair shall be the AONSA Vice President and the other five members shall be appointed by the EC. Their term shall be two years (one selection cycle). A member can be reappointed for the next selection cycle (up to two cycles for four years).

b. The SC shall be independent of the EC. Nominations shall be treated in confidence within the SC.

c. The SC members shall represent a broad range of member societies (not observers) and fields of neutron science and technology. The Chair of the SC may co-opt a person or persons from member societies or from observer country/region when none of five members can cover research field(s) for reviewing nominations submitted. Co-opted member(s) shall be approved by the EC.

d. The SC members shall be posted on the home page of AONSA when the SC issues the call-for nominations. The co-opted member(s) shall also be posted.

e. The SC shall submit the name(s) of recipient(s) with a report of nomination process to the EC prior to five months to Prize Ceremony at the quadrennial Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering (AOCNS) or the quadrennial International Conference on Neutron Scattering (ICNS), both held in an interval of two years.

f. The SC shall carry out AONSA Prize Ceremony at AOCNS or ICNS.

Procedure to Support Students from AONSA Fund

(Established on October 5, 2010)

(Revised on April 17, 2019)

1. Students submit their applications to the AONSA Neutron School as announced in the flyer of the school. In their application form, they specify their need for financial support.

2. The organizers of the School make a list of students who need AONSA support and select students considering budget available and distribution of students among developing countries. For this selection, the organizers may consult with appropriate society president and Secretary of AONSA.

3. The AONSA office transfers a fixed amount of funds to the organizers of the School. The organizers communicate with the selected students to confirm their details and requested flight schedules before buying the necessary air tickets (e-tickets).

4. After the School is closed, the organizers submit a report to the AONSA office specifying the list of students who received partial or full support from the AONSA fund.

Procedures to Decide the Host and Location of Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering (AOCNS)

(Established on October 5, 2010)

(Revised on November 20, 2011)

1. Basic Principles

a. The host and location of AOCNS will be circulated in the Asia-Oceania Region.

b. Under normal circumstance, the host and location of AOCNS will be decided 4 years ahead of time and will be announced in the AOCNS just before it.

c. The host and location of AOCNS will be decided in the AONSA EC meeting after reviewing the conference proposals submitted by neutron societies in the Region.

d. Both paying regular member societies and non-paying observers can submit proposals.

2. Procedure

a. The call for proposal should be announced one year ahead of the currently planned AOCNS.

b. Conference proposals should be submitted to Secretary of AONSA by the application deadline specified in the call for proposals. Under normal circumstance, the deadline is one month before the AONSA EC meeting. Only one proposal is allowed for each society.

c. The host and location of next AOCNS will be decided in the EC during AOCNS where candidates should present their proposals with enough information and the results should be announced at the end of the conference.

3. Voting Procedure

a. 15 minute Presentation for each proposal at the EC.

b. Q & A (5-10 minutes depending on time available for this process).

c. Secret voting by the EC members.

i) Select the host based on the rank of votes.

ii) If none of proposals have half of votes or more, we vote for top 2 proposals again.

Guidelines for Operations of AONSA Schools

(Established on October 5, 2010)

1. The school should be able to handle 40 or more graduate students; it is desirable to include hands-on practice on real neutron-scattering instruments if at all possible;

2. No more than 50% of the student attendees should be from institutions in the host country; at least 50% should come other user communities in the Asia-Oceania region, with a reasonable spread;

3. The host organisation pays for all local expenses (accommodation, meals, local transportation) for both students and lecturers;

4. Airfares are the responsibility of the students (or their home institutions) and lecturers (or their home institutions). The only exceptions are students from developing countries, and we have been able to support 4-5 such students at each school, so far;

5. Regarding lecturers, it is desirable to have a minimum of:

  • At least 2 domestic lecturers
  • 2 lecturers provided by JSNS/J-PARC
  • 2 lecturers provided by KNBUA/HANARO
  • 2 lecturers provided by ANBUG/ANSTO

The lecturer pool is not exclusive and it is desirable to have lecturers from other member societies of AONSA as well.

It is desirable to have some continuity in the pool of lecturers from the previous school or schools;

6. It is desirable that all lecture notes are provided to students before the AONSA Neutron School starts.

7. We should seek funds to support student attendance from developing countries, from the IAEA and elsewhere.

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