Facility Directors’ Meeting

Purpose and role of FDM

Mission Statement for the Asia-Oceania Neutron Facility Directors

The aim of the Asia-Oceania Facility Directors meetings is to provide tangible benefit to each other through enhanced utilization of our neutron sources. Mechanisms for achieving this include co-ordination of our user programs, multilateral exchange of technical information and personnel, and provision of support to users of facilities that are at reduced capacity.

Aim and Scope of Asia-Oceania Neutron Facility Directors Meeting

  • to coordinate activities in support of AONSA,
  • to provide an execution path for requests from AONSA EC,
  • to raise operational issues for the user communities to consider,
  • to coordinate requests to AONSA for support for our various initiatives,
  • to foster deeper discussion of our technical developments, and of specific issues related to provision of service to our user communities.

Membership of Asia-Oceania Neutron Facility Directors Meeting

a) beam reactors with design thermal power ≥ 10MW, or;

b) spallation neutron sources with design beam power ≥100kW; and

c) have a stated policy of being open to scientific users from around the host country, if not more broadly across the Asia-Oceania region

  • Each facility will be represented by one person.
  • Chair should rotate on an annual basis amongst the facility directors

Asia-Oceania Neutron Facility Directors relationship to AONSA

A less formal entity that is independent from AONSA does not “report” to AONSA, but which will coordinate with AONSA, especially through the individual contributions of the facilities as observers at the AONSA Executive Committee.

The 1st Asia-Oceania Facility Directors’ Meeting on May 19, 2011, in Bandung, Indonesia. (Click to view the minutes.)
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