We are inviting nominations for the 8th AONSA Prize and the 1st AONSA Science Award in 2025.

  • The AONSA Science Award has been newly installed to recognize an outstanding researcher in the middle of their career (8 to 20 years after PhD) to recognize their outstanding scientific achievement (including instrumentation) that has a significant impact or contribution to the neutron science community in the Asia-Oceania Region. The Award consists of a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient and a medal.

The deadline for nominations is September 15th, 2024.

Past Winners

AONSA Prize 2023: Yasuhiko Fujii

For his outstanding achievements in the structural and dynamical study of phase transitions of condensed matter by neutron scattering, promotion of the neutron science in Japan as well as the national user program for neutron scattering facilities, and dedicated contributions for the promotion of neutron science in the Asia- Oceania region.”

  • The Executive Committee selected Professor Yasuhiko Fujii as a recipient of the 7th AONSA Prize. Professor Fujii was awarded at the Prize Ceremony held during the AOCNS 2023 in Dongguan, China.
  • Read the announcement of the AONSA Prize 2023

AONSA Prize 2021: Robert A. Robinson

“For his outstanding achievements in understanding magnetism of actinide and heavy-fermion materials using neutron scattering, seminal contributions in building the world-leading neutron facility in Australia, and continuous dedication for the promotion of neutron science in the Asia-Oceania region.”

  • The Executive Committee selected Professor Robert A. Robinson as a recipient of the 6th AONSA Prize. Professor Robinson was awarded at the Prize Ceremony held during the ICNS 2022, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Read the announcement of the AONSA Prize 2021

AONSA Prize 2019: Mahn Won Kim

“For his seminal contributions in building Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association and the establishing of the neutron scattering community and facility in Korea, for his successful application of second harmonic generation (SHG) to investigate the air/liquid interface, and for his devoted mentoring of young scientists in the community of neutron science.”

AONSA Prize 2017: Nobuo Niimura

“For his continuous contributions to the instrumental development and practical use of neutrons from Tohoku Linac, KENS, JRR-2 and 3 to J-PARC, especially the invention of the neutron imaging plate which opened a new paradigm in neutron protein crystallography all over the world including Asia-Oceania region, and for his devoted mentoring of young scientists in the community of neutron science.”

The AONSA Prize 2015: John William White

“For his seminal contributions to the use of neutrons in understanding molecules at interfaces, molecular crystals and self-assembly, for his visionary leadership in establishing the Asia-Oceania neutron scattering community and state-of-art neutron facilities including OPAL, and for his devoted mentoring of young scientists.”

The AONSA Prize 2013: Anantha Dasannacharya

“For his pioneering contributions to neutron scattering in the Asia-Oceania region, through his early development of neutron spectroscopy and its applications for the dynamics in low-temperature liquids and molecular solids, and his active promotion of regional and international science as well as the national user program in India.”

The AONSA Prize 2011: Noboru Watanabe

“For his pioneering development of accelerator-based neutron sources and instrumentations, and his great contribution to the establishment of neutron science community and finally to the realization of one of the most powerful pulsed neutron scattering facility at J-PARC.”

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