Announcement of AONSA Young Research Fellowship 2022

Dr. Muhammad Naeem (City University of Hong Kong)

Dr. Muhammad Naeem (City University of Hong Kong) is selected as the awardee of the AONSA Young Research Fellowship 2022.

The AONSA Young Research Fellowship program, which was established in early 2014, is to support highly talented young scientists with leadership potential in the Asia-Oceania region, helping them to develop their carrier and expertise in neutron science and technology.  All applications were received by the submission deadline (August 31, 2021), and intensively revised by the Selection Committee (SC) for the AONSA Young Research Fellowship (YRF) 2022.

The final selections were made by the SC in consultation with hosting neutron Facilities and officially approved at the 27th AONSA Executive Committee Meeting on November 20, 2021, held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is AONSA’s great pleasure to announce that a highly talented young scientist has been selected as the winner of AONSA YRF 2022, who will visit a major neutron Facility in Asia-Oceania region for collaborative research using neutrons in 2022.  The AONSA YRF’s round-trip airfare will be supported by AONSA, and local living expense during their Fellowship visit will be supported by the hosting Facility.

  • Hosting Facility: J-PARC
  • Name: Dr. Muhammad NAEEM
  • PhD: City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) (2020)
  • Current affiliation: City University of Hong Kong
  • Title of Research Proposal: “Deformation behavior of coherent intermetallic nanoparticle-strengthened high-entropy alloys at cryogenic temperatures”

Taku J Sato

Vice President of AONSA

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